5 Week Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Program

Build a solid foundation of knowledge and skill.

Are you interested in learning a martial art that focuses on leverage and technique rather than size and strength?

Then Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is perfect for you! Our 5-week program will introduce you to the basics of Brazilian jiu-jitsu, allowing you to build a solid foundation of knowledge and skill.
Our experienced instructors will guide you through each class, teaching you the fundamentals of Brazilian jiu-jitsu. During these 5 weeks, you will learn valuable techniques such as escapes, submissions, and positional control. You’ll be able to put your skills to the test during live sparring sessions with other beginners.
But our program isn’t just about learning techniques – it’s also about building confidence, discipline, and mental fortitude. Brazilian jiu-jitsu requires focus and dedication, pushing you both mentally and physically to reach your full potential.
No matter your fitness level or experience, our program is designed to accommodate everyone. Whether you’re looking to get in shape, improve your self-defense skills, or simply try something new, our 5-week beginner program is the perfect place to start.
So what are you waiting for? Sign up today and discover the life-changing benefits of Brazilian jiu-jitsu!

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5 Week Program

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu